PARIPESA BET Launches Unlimited 1Million Naira Monthly Win Promo

PARIPESA BET Launches Unlimited 1Million Naira Monthly Win Promo
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In continuous effort to satisfy customers and increase winnings on its platform, Nigeria’s sports betting giant PARIPESA BET has launched its One-million-naira unlimited monthly win promo.

Being the first of its kind in the Nigerian sports betting industry, the promo is tagged “Win N1m With PARIPESA” is designed for customers to start collecting sport betting odds for a monthly win while they enjoy playing and betting on their favorite teams on the platform.

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According to the PARIPESA BET team, to participate in the promo and stand a chance of winning, customers need to play an accumulator bet on any sports event with as low as N30 Naira. While the promo is scheduled to run for an unlimited number of months, the player with the winning bet slip with the highest overall odds is selected as the winner at the end of each month.

Table with current leaders of this promo is updated twice a week in Paripesa Official Telegram Channel.

The country manager Mr. Damilare Obadimu, also noted that the promo is another way of proving to the customers that the PARIPESA brand has come to stay.

Mr. Obadimu added that the current promo will not in any way affect other existing promotions such as the Betting Legend promo where customers get to win free PlayStation 5, MacBook Air, iPhone 14 and many more on a quarterly basis.

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