Ibom Air Receives Two A2320-200 Aircraft to Boost Operations

Ibom Air Receives Two A2320-200 Aircraft to Boost Operations
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Ibom Airlines Limited (Ibom Air) has announced that it has received two Airbus A320-200 aircraft as additions to her fleet.

The two aircraft, which arrived last weekend, were procured from GetJet Airlines UAB (operating as GETJET), a European aircraft leasing company, on a one year wet-lease agreement.

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According to its Chief Operating Officer, Mr. George Uriesi, “The wet-lease agreement is a stop-gap measure undertaken to meet current demands and accommodate growth, while awaiting the deliveries of our ten brand new Airbus A220-300 aircraft, an order that was firmed up in November 2021 at the Dubai Airshow. With this new capacity coming on board, we are delighted to inform our passengers that we have increased our offerings, providing more frequencies for their convenience. The Uyo-Lagos and Uyo-Abuja route now have three frequencies every weekday, while our passengers between Lagos and Abuja will have seven frequencies to choose from both ways, every weekday.”

The new flight schedules commenced effective service from November 23, in order to meet the demand of the holiday season.

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