Lagos: The making of a mega city

Lagos: The making of a mega city
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The GDP of Lagos State estimated at N91bn places Lagos as Africa’s 5th largest economy and the seventh fastest growing city in the world. Lagos plays host to 65 percent of Nigeria’s businesses having over 2,000 manufacturing companies, 200 financial institutions and the largest collection of SMEs in Africa. This places Lagos at a prime position in the Nigerian and indeed the African economy. It is for this reason that governance in Lagos state should be visionary and forward-thinking, the type which the APC gubernatorial candidate for Lagos state Babajide Olushola Sanwoolu can deliver.
Economy To create alternative energy, Babajide Sanwoolu intends to solicit private sector partnership to create alternate energy sources to power captive areas like industrial parks, public , and SME clusters. He will also aggressively pursue the development of up to 10,000 accessible housing units per annum in conjunction with the private sector and scale up the Lagos HOMs programme to ensure access to social and affordable housing.

On Security, Babajide Sanwoolu will improve surveillance and intelligence gathering and expand the Community Policing Initiative by recruiting, equipping and training an additional 5,000 officers into the Neighbourhood Watch in addition to the existing 5,700. He will improve engagement with CDAs and Community Leaders to promote security awareness to curb crime to its barest minimum in the state.

Source:  Vanguard
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